Thursday, 30 August 2012

To-Do List !!!

First of all alhamdulillah syukur i've been given the opportunity to further my studies and as for the  FAQ which most of my frenz keep asking me "WHAT i got" i don't think i'm ready to answer that question YET. Bajet !! haha no seriously i'm not ready and there's still couple of things that should really remain hidden until the exact time comes which is on the 10th of september ni. SO just wait a lil bit longer ya guys/girls. namo pressure2. aku tau aku suka buat korg pressure. :D

So starting tomorrow jadual aku akan mula padat. HARI MERDEKA tapi nampak gaya aku x berapa nak merdeka lah. Its ok. Yang penting bebas dari "PENJAJAHAN". Ada banyak makna tu. I'll let u guys think on ur own about that. tehee

31/8 : Job dkt bukit jelutong
1/9 : job dkt sec 19
2/9 : Seremban, My classmate is getting married. WOW
5,6,7/9 : Berkaitan lesen. haha.
9,10/9 : IPT here i come.

Have a nice day Bloggies ! Nampak gap kan dkt tarikh tu b4 10hb ni, bole la ajak i keluar. ahaha
*tutup muka malu. k bye.

Selamat menyambut hari kemerdekaan MALAYSIA. I love my country. muah3x. haha

PS : PATRIOTIK sgt kannnn

nak selit kat sini lah,
..terasa dah besar..

1 comment:

  1. selamat memulakan pengajian!

    p/s thanksss....terpaksa google maksud sanah helwa...haha
